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Indonesia Trenggiling

Indonesia Trenggiling

Country - Indonesia

Region - Aceh, Sumatra, Kerinci, West Java, Flores & Sulawesi

Farm - Various

Variety - J Andung Sari, Ateng, Linie S-795/Jember, Timtim, Typica

Proc. Method - Wet Hulled

Altitude - 1,200 to 1,700 msal


Flavors of rhubarb, citrus, chocolate



Most people associate the name “Mandheling” with good-quality Indonesian coees. The name suggests that that coee was grown on Sumatra; however, it can actually be added to all coees traded through the major port in Medan, which has been Indonesia’s main hub for trading and export for decades.


The basic process for wet hulling is as follows: Cherry is harvested and pulped at or near the farm, on small hand-cranked or motorized pulpers. The coee is fermented overnight (in small tanks, buckets, or bags) and washed with clean water the following morning. Parchment is sun-dried for between half a day and two days, depending on the weather, to allow for skin drying which eases the removal of parchment.

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